Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Different Kinds of Disasters

Our class discussion on Tuesday got me thinking about disasters and how we view them. It’s interesting that the disasters chosen for each group was flooding, blizzard, virus and economic crisis I believe. The most recent disasters that the world has seen are such things as tsunami, terrorist attack, plane crashes and other events, things that do not happen every day but have proven to be capable of striking when society least expects. It is interesting to me that the disasters we all choose are things fairly unlikely to occur anytime in the near future. Though global warming has shown us all that extreme weather may occur in the future, we can all be fairly certain an ice age or heat wave will not suddenly occur tomorrow. A plane crash? I don’t know. I definitely am a little uneasy every time I board a plane, unable to keep that little fear of engine failure or something along those lines from entering my mind. Perhaps when one is asked to examine and unfold the details of a disaster, it is easier to choose one that needn’t cause any alarm for the time being.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

One more day till reading week!

A parade is a spectacle. It is intended to bedazzle its audience and create a sense of unity for those who are involved.

The Solnit chapter we read was interesting because once again, we were given the opportunity to examine something that although is a definite part of life, is rarely looked at for the underlying effect and symbolism it has(in my case anyway). I have been really sick this week so unfortunately I missed out on our class discussions but this article was an enjoyable read despite not being able to dissect with the many opinions of our class as I would of enjoyed I’m sure.

One of my only and most recent memories of a parade is when I went to Calgary with my family and saw the zombie parade. I thought it was so awesome! I definitely wanted to join in but was thrilled to learn that they do something like that here in Edmonton every year. I will definitely have to look into that. I distinctly remember feeling jealous that I wasn’t a part of the parade. It didn’t matter that they were dressed up as the “weirdos.” Their spirit of fun and carefree attitude was infectious.

I hope everyone has a great reading week! :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009


It is always an interesting thing when you are asked to dissect something that you do every day without thought. Our discussion in class on Tuesday has left me thinking about walking and how it has affected my life. Today, I thought about how I would love love love to walk. But every time I try lately, seems like I end up on my behind (stupid ice). So it’s been the bare minimum in outdoor walking activity lately. This past summer I walked and biked a great deal. It’s just more fun than sitting on the bus in my opinion and I didn’t have a car to take places. Relying on yourself and your two legs to get to places is a great thing, though only if time permits.
I wish I had something more insightful to add but...I don’t.