Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ahh... the final post

We just finished the writers’ panel and it was far more intimate than I anticipated. All our guests had wonderful insights and seemed genuinely interested in our thoughts as well.

As the school year comes to an end, I find myself, as I usually do, reflecting on what has happened and what I have achieved. I’ll focus on our English class right now. It was unlike any other classes I have taken and definitely gave me a new outlook on my city and on locations in general. Before English 380, I simply could never be bothered to seriously consider what my city meant to me and the effect it has on my life. Now after each class, I want to just walk around and breathe in the city and go explore a place we had discussed that day. Prior to this class, I was one of those people who just couldn’t see any exciting or distinguishing features about the city (other than the obvious few). But I am happy to say this view has changed or perhaps not changed entirely but has taken on a new meaning to me. I still think Edmonton is a mediocre city in many ways but now, I can appreciate it for just simply being a great city. Sometimes interesting things occur, sometimes it feels as though nothing at all is happening, sometimes everyone I meet is endlessly amusing and friendly while other times I feel as though Edmontonians can be cold and judgemental. It is a city with many sides to its personality and just as many opportunities and for that, I will appreciate it.

And to end this final blog post, I want to set a few academic goals for myself for next year (so feel free not to read). Next year, I hope to:
· Do all my reading thoroughly and punctually (something I nearly achieved with this class)
· Start my assignments prior to just before the due date, make time to edit them and then edit them some more.
· Try to be more vocal in class and just let go of all insecurities about my views
· Go see the instructor even if I’m not failing or desperately in need of help


  1. I love your post. I use to find Edmonton a mediocre city as well but now I see it as a swirl of activity, that just like a dance has its down time and its moments of climax. This class has taught me to not judge Edmonton so harshly, and the writers gave such a positive insight onto the city that I now feel proud to call home. I read your academic goals as well and that is an excellent plan! I hope that it works out for you, I know I need to remember those points as well. Have a great summer.

  2. Thank you Emmy! Have a great summer as well. :)

  3. Your goals will be printed and posted on my wall for future reference - seriously, academic life isn't easy, is it? I too almost stayed caught up with the readings in this class, they were somehow more interesting than readings in other courses. Possibly because there was a connection of place in them. I am also encouraged to explore more of the city, somewhere I haven't been before. This summer will be the perfect time to start!

  4. Wow, Carys. Reading your post was like reading my own mind. I can relate to absoulutely everything you mentioned.
    I especially liked your academic goals for next year. This is the first class in all that i've taken in university that i've gone to without missing a a singleclass. I have also read all the readings on time(with a page missed here and there). I agree with Crystal, I think it has something to do with the ablility of relating to the material.

    I also can't wait for summer... I'm going to make a point to go to places I've never seen before. ...even via a different mode of transportation. As of right now, I rely 100% on my car, but I'm planning on ditching it as much as possible come May. =)
